Main activities on fuel cells, electrolysers and hydrogen
Main competences and lines of research
Photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation
Hydrogen storage and compression with metal hydrides
Hydrogen separation and cleaning from mixed gas streams by polymeric membrane technology
Relevant national/European projects ongoing or concluded
EU Horizon 2020 OITB Projekt „INNOMEN - Open INNOvation Test Bed for nano-enabled MEMbranes“ (2020 - 2024)
EU Horizon 2020 IA Projekt „MACBETH – Membranes and Catalysis Beyond Economical and Technological Hurdles“ (2019 - 2023)
FCH JU Collaborative Project HyCARE - Hydrogen CArrier for Renewable Energy Storage (2019 - 2021) Coordinator: Universtiy of Turin, Partners: ENGIE (FR), GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH (D), Tecnodelta srl (I), Stühff GmbH (D), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (I), HZG (D), CNRS (FR), IFE (NO)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Project Hydride4Mobility - Hydrogen Fuelled Utility Vehicles and Their Support Systems Utilising Metal Hydrides (2017 - 2021) Coordinator: IFE (NO), Partners: HZG (D), HystorSys SA (NO), University of Split FESB (Croatia), University of the Western Cape (SA), TF Design (PTY) Ltd. (SA), Impala Platinum Ltd. (SA), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Projekt CO2MPRISE - CO2 absorbing Materials Project - RISE Coordinator: Universita degli Studi di Sassari (IT), Partners: HZG (D), Universidad de Burgos (ES), Monolithos Katalites Ke Anakiklosi Etaireia Periorismenis Evthinis EPE (EH), Vlachos Nikolaos (Alter Eco) (CY), Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (AG), Universidad de Chile (Chile)
EU FP7-People-2013-ITN Project - ECOSTORE (2013-2017): “Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity”
EU FCH-JU Project – BOR4STORE (2012-2015): “Advanced borohydrides based high capacity solid state hydrogen storage materials”
EU FP7 Projekt „HARCANA - High Aspect Ratio Carbon-based Nanocomposites“ (2008-2012, 10 partners)
EU FP7 Projekt „SELFMEM - Self-Assembled Polymer Membranes“ (2009-2012, 12 partners)
EU FP7 Project - FlyHy (2009 – 2011): ”Fluorine Substituted High Capacity Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage at low Working Temperatures”,
EU Marie Curie Research Training Network – COSY (2006- 2010): ”Complex Solid State Reactions for Energy Efficient Hydrogen Storage”
EU COST Action MP1103 (2011-2015): “Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage”
ERA-NET CONCERT-Japan – iTHEUS (2013-2015): “Fundamental investigations on improved materials and storage concepts for a hydrogen based integrated total energy utilisation system.”
EU FP6 Integrated Project – NESSHY (2006 – 2010, 40 Partner): ”Novel Efficient Solid Storage for H2”
EU FP5 Integrated Project – StorHy (2004-2008): “Hydrogen Storage Systems for Automotive Application”
EU FP5 Integriertes Projekt "CERHYSEP - Ceramic membranes for hydrogen separation" (2002-2006)
Focus H2 – Young Researchers Group on Novel processes for structuring of electrodes for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation (2014 – 2020)
BMWi Project H2HybridTank - Demonstration of a cost efficient hybrid pressurised gas - solid state hydrogen functional model store for future for use in light duty vehicles (2018 - 2021) Partners Volkswagen AG Konzernforschung, PANCO GmbH, Stühff GmbH
Helmholtz-Initiative FuncHy (2005 – 2010): “Funktional Materials for mobile Hydrogen Stores
BMBF Project HyScore - Efficient H2 Storage by novel hierarchical porous Core-Shell-Structures with embedded Light Metal Hydrides (2016 - 2019)
r3 – Innovative Technologien für Resourceneffizienz – Strategische Metalle und Materialien – “ATR- Trennung Aufschluss Rückgewinnung von ressourcen-relevanten Metallen aus Rückständen thermischer Prozesse mit innovativen Verfahren” (2012-2014).
BMBF Projekt „MMMfGS - Mixed Matrix Membranen für die Gasseparation“ (2011 – 2014)
National Innovation Programm Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology – „Development, Upscaling and Testing of Nanocomposite Materials for Hydrogen Storage“(2009-2012).
BMWi Projekt „MemKoR – Membranverfahren für die Abtrennung von Kohlendioxid aus Kraftwerksrauchgasen“ (2016 – 2019)
BMWi-Projekt „METPORE II - Nano-structured Ceramic and Metal Supported Membranes for Gas Separation“ (2011 – 2014)
BMWi-Projekt „Aufbereitung von Grubengas mit niedrigen Methan-gehalten zur Nutzung in Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen“ (2005 – 2009)
BMWA-Innonet Project Mini-Ely (2003-2006): “Miniatur –Elektrolyseur zur Befüllung von Metallhydridspeichern als Ladestation für portable Brennstoffzellen” Drittmittel: 160 T€
Helmholtz-Chinese Academy of Science Joint Research Group (2014-2016): “Study on the synthesis, structures, and performances of complex hydride systems for reversible hydrogen storage”
Research infrastructures
Hydrogen Technology Centre
High Energy Ball Milling Facility
High energy milling equipment up to 100 l milling vial volume
In operando XRD cell with temperatures up to 500°C, 400 bar for materials analysis in the synchrotron beam
In operando Neutron radiography of hydrogen distribution in metal hydrides
Hydrogen tank testing facilities up to 500 bar, 6000 Nl/min flow
Membrane synthesis and casting machinery
Membrane coating machine
Gas permeation testing and more facilities for membrane characterisation
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